PWN Paris Welcome Cocktail

29 November 2018 18:30 - 20:30 Hôtel de l'Industrie

PWN Last Thursday Cocktail becomes PWN Welcome Cocktail ! For new members and non members, this is a great opportunity to get introduced to PWN Paris Programs and ask questions to board members.

You are a new member or not yet a member?

 You are interested to discover what PWN-Paris is and what the network offers: great network of great professional network from various sectors and functions, professional development events, speakers diners….

You want to meet with members of the Board and members?

Come and join us at the Welcome Cocktail in a friendly unformal setting!


 Drinks and snacks will be served.

Contribution to cost: on-line registration: 15€, pay at the door: 20€

Event in English / French
Registration closes on: November 26, 
Reimbursements until: November 22, 18:00 
Location: Hotel de l'Industrie (petite bibliothèque) - 4 place Saint Germain des Pres - 75006 Paris 


Event details

Hôtel de l'Industrie
75006 Paris
4 place Saint Germain des Pres
Member price
€15 per attendee
Non-member price
€15 per attendee
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